Pokémon Pikachu Chocolate Cake - ロックなピカチュウのチョコレートケーキ

Happy rockin’ birthday with Pikachu!



Pokémon Pikachu Strawberry Chocolate Cake

Strawberry Chocolate Cake with Pikachu Cookie

誕生日に欲しいものを聞かれて、赤いギターとCouCou Natsuhaの苺のチョコレートケーキ!と答えてくれたそうです。なんと光栄な♡

It made me feel so happy and honored to know that the boy wanted a guitar and CouCou Natsuha’s chocolate cake for his 7th birthday! Actually I made the one with Pokémon Squirtle (blog post) which is one of my favorite Pokémon design.

Strawberry Chocolate Cake with Pikachu Cookie

実は3年連続でChoco Decoをリクエストするほど気に入ってくださっています。昨年センターを勝ち取ったのは、シルクハットでおめかししたゼニガメ君でした。

He still loves Pokémon and this year, he requested to have a Pikachu cookie on top of the cake. Lucky me, I knew he would be receiving a red guitar so his Pikachu does too!

Details of the Pikachu cake

Pikachu Chocolate cake

Strawberry Chocolate Cake with Pikachu Cookie

ベースはChoco Decoですが、ジェノワーズはプレーンなものを使っています。チョコレートは好きだけどチョコチョコしすぎない塩梅をお探しなら、おすすめのカスタムオーダーです。

The chocolate cake is based on Choco Deco from my flavors, but with Japanese genoise instead of chocolate genoise as requested. I would agree that the combination is a good choice when you are not too crazy about chocolates but still love them :)

Pikachu Royal Icing Cookie on Chocolate Cake


Filings are Bergen chocolate cream - many clients who have tasted it have repeated - and fresh strawberries.

In January, it’s not easy to find good quality of strawberries. I have tried several packages from different brands and markets to find the best in this season!

Rockin’ Pikachu royal icing cookie

Pikachu Royal Icing Cookie on Chocolate Cake


Seriously this request could not have come at a better time, because I’ve achieved confidence in piping and drawing Pikachu after making 2021 advent calendar with 25 Pikachu cookies ( Check my Instagram posts for details! ).

My favorite details of the cookie design are a small star shaped spark in each eye - can you find it? it’s very tiny :p - and the tail shaped guitar head & neck.

Strawberry Chocolate Cake with Pikachu Cookie


I could have piped more on the red guitar by adding more control buttons or drawing further details. I actually wanted to do so, but kept it rather simple to respect advice from my son.

Pikachu Royal Icing Cookie on Chocolate Cake


The boys have been buddies for a few years and surely he understands almost anything about the birthday boy :D

An Extra Cut…

After the great birthday party, my son shared with me that “wow“ moment was provided by the birthday cake and how he and many of other kids guests enjoyed their own piece.

Then he told me something important; a boy could not eat the cake because he was vegetarian.

Strawberry Chocolate Cake with Pikachu Cookie


I can say with confidence that all cakes in my menu including Choco Deco are pleasant and tasty. Now it’s time to lift up. I’ve decided and have been working so hard on VEGAN cakes!

Hopefully delightful vegan cakes can be added to the menu list soon and help celebrate special occasions for people with dietary limitations or preferences.


パーティースイーツ( Birthday Cake, Cookies, and Desserts ):CouCou Natsuha

フォトクレジット( Photos ):CouCou Natsuha